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Leadership & Campus Involvement

Kappa is led by a leadership team comprised of 8 executive board members and 18 directors. Sisters lead initiatives in areas like DEI, sisterhood, and alumnae engagement, in addition to supporting our sisters who are involved in activities outside of Kappa. Speaking of which, our Delta Xi sisters are very active on the Carnegie Mellon Campus. 85% of our sisters are involved in communities outside of Kappa and 64% of those sisters hold leadership roles within those organizations! One of the largest communities our sisters are active participants in is Orientation - in the past few years, we've had numerous sisters serve as Head Orientation Counselor, in addition to Orientation Leaders and Counselors. Many sisters are also involved as leaders in other organizations and clubs on campus and can be spotted working as Tartan ambassadors and teaching assistants.

We love walking around and seeing our sisters represent Kappa all over campus and the Greater Pittsburgh Area!

Here are some of the roles are sisters currently hold on campus:

  • Organization Executive Board Members
  • Head Orientation Counselors, Orientation Leaders, Orientation Counselors
  • Research Assistants
  • Teaching assistants
  • Academic Development Tutors/Mentors
  • Resident Advisors

Our Kappa sisters are involved in over 100 different organizations on campus, here are a few of them:

  • Alpha Kappa Psi
  • Asian Students Association
  • Panhellenic Exec
  • Lunar Gala
  • Society of Women Engineers
  • Spring Carnival Committee
  • Activities Board
  • Dancers' Symposium
  • Student Senate
  • WinECE